Monday, December 28, 2009

A Luceting & Nalbinding I go.....

So I've been asking myself "Why have I started this Blog about Lucets?" especially since i'm so NEW to this craft & i guess its because it will be my journal of what is discovered along the way during the learning process of working with Lucets & Nalbinding. Let me also say, am not a period recreator|reinactor (also known as SCA) Luceting & Nalbinding are very much a part of their activities, festivles & reinactments. Hmmm guess just a "yarn | fiber geek" that stumbled upon these really awesome crafts & am going gaga over them & decided to blahblahblahblah-yadayadayada about them as i go..... :D whistling merrily as i imagine how the forefathers/foremothers/forepeoples lives where like... as they created items for warmth, decoration, convience, comfort... etc., as well as trying to tap into their imaginative minds as they created these crafts. How did they stumble upon the Oslo stitch? Were fingers the original tools for the Lucet or maybe as some spinning was working up yarn, a gust of wind picked up some yarn, it landed on some antlers & in untangeling it... a lightbulb went off & someone started playing & realized that this would be a VERY cord for leads, straps, belts, tent cords... use small thread for decorating a garment, string ties (socks falling down... :P) their brain went in hyper speed with ideas.

It will be an adventure & an awesome journey as i set out to explore & experiment with these two crafts. It will be fun, challenging & educational as well. I did get my 2nd Nalbinding project done, a hat & pleased with the results, for being a beginner & all. Already started another one & have combined two stitched, the Aisle & then worked into Oslo. [pics to be posted later today] Here are some good Nalbinding video links pittyommen | marajade1979 - #1 marajade1979 -#2 marajade1979 - #3 (used marajade's version of the oslo stitch) The above videos were very helpful. Still working on turning a rectangle piece, my first project to "practice" was a dishwashing cloth & the rows were uneven... dropped some stitched, unentionally as well as added... need more practice projects on those ;o)

later on will also put up some photos from completed Lucet work, some tips regarding countinous cord cutt-n-go, Nalbinding projects done up so far & the one in progress.

Ta-Daaa! got my first hat done :D

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas! So much to be Thankful for... such as a safe arrival home yesterday to da kidd! we had a blizzard yesterday & set a new record for OK! 0_o! Wow... we got that AND a White Christmas.

Over the past couple of months i picked up a new craft... well its origins are very antique :P and have really gotten hooked on it... involves a Lucet. A very speedy way to make an "I" cord, with many possibilities. At first didnt have an "actual" lucet tool so fashioned one out of a plastic fork! :D web searched & read, watched online videos... here is the best one by far... 308bob stay with the video till she gets to the two thread to see the cast on fully. Tip: for the first 4-5 y/o's pinch it in the middle.
So i started grabbing floss, cotton thread, practicing, playing & experimenting with this fascinating tool.
The more I worked with it my brain started generating ideas while working items up.

About a month ago, my mom bought me a real Lucet to use (((huggzsz))) many many TY's to da mudder! as i searched the web for info Lucets, techniques, examples... etc., its "associated" with braiding. saw some neat brading/weaving techniques & started searching for 5+ cords for examples. Saw a belt then got an idea for making scarves, then became a Lucet fiend!

I set out to make Christmas presents with the idea in hand... & in experimental mode. What i learned in the process was plain awesome! Learned to turn out a cord that was not all "twisted up", as the technique of yarn over flip to to right, yarn over, flip... y/o, flip, y/o, flip, the cord twists around the handle which can "kink" the cord & misshape it a tad. So worked on a "no flip technique" as in researching the web saw that this was possible... practiced at it, got the speed worked up to where was really cooking. Turned out 15+ scarves & still counting! :D then got the idea to make one continuous lucet cord, measure the length needed, cut off, measure more... this helped to expedite the process & save yarn as well. What was really fun to do was experiment with colors as well as different yarn types. Look forward to working with wool, did get some ordered to play with :o) found a good lucet source too... sistermaide makes wonderful lucets! great craftspersonship, visit her Etsy shop. going to be making up some scarves to sell on Etsy & will update when have some available.

Also learning to Nalbinding too! :o) a lil more complicated that working up Lucets, do enjoy what have practiced on so far. did make up a lil dishwash cloth :D

Come visit me at Ravelry, join if have a hankerin for yarn, fiber arts, crochet & knit or just wanna check it out, look for me... Lucet Dreamzsz check out my projects & drop me a note if ya want :D

This is for future reference, but what a neat Tribute and different angle on this Awesome Song!

Silent Monks Hallelujah Chorus - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.