Friday, January 29, 2010

Let it Snow & Let there be Angels round...

*-*-*-*-* Wowsers!!! *-*-*-*-*

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Well we are getting lots of snow! Yesterday we had sleet and ice and sleet with a little bit of snow. Today, big white fluffy flakes!!! :D Course underneath is a one inch layer of ice, it is precarious at best getting around.

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Here are some chill'in pictures... the one on the left has a couple of extra things besides flakes!!! Click on the picture to see the angel orbs.

The picture below has some angel orbs as well vjv
wow! One is on the move! (there are two more, pointed out the one)

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The picture at the left and right are from a visit while in Eureka Springs. A really neat place to go. These particular shots were taken from down inside the Onyx cave. What an experience. Like caves anyways, this was just an added "score!" or "Yeah!". In the one on the left here are three distinct Angel or Fairy Orbs visible, but there are plenty more when you look over the picture. Then take a look at the one on the right. :D vjv

Monday, January 25, 2010

What a weekend...

Finally got all of my homework done... feels funny saying that again, but i liiiiiike it! :D The History essay was a bugger to be certain... am not the best writer, stink at it. Am fully aware of this, have accepted it, but want to change this. So my English/Writing class will help, in the mean time my History class is essay intense. ack! :( No worries, will get through it with lots of help! :D So got it tiddy'd up with the help of the kiddo & mom, sent it on its merry way... then turned my attention to FIBER!!! well after a bit.

Am helping a new friend with something... :D *waves... :D did an vjv Angel reading for her vjv it was really neat, anywhoot, during that, was holding a crystal under my chin & it got really hot... wowswers hot! neat, really like it when the energy flows like that. Have been working with Reiki too. neat stuff, neat energy, neat juju :D after this... THEN worked with fiber. well almost... found an awesome site about fairy doors! yes will share vjv

Got Ceecil's beard done... yes Ceecil is still a work in progress... decided since giving him a gnome hat, he needed a beard... [piccy to follow] so got that done up, then started to work on my son's gloves... BUT really have been wanting to learn the Coptic/Turim stich from Nalbinding & set out to find the info on it. FOUND IT! whoot! and worked up a lil sample [piccy to follow] so am a contented camper... who is ready for bed. will put up links to info about Reiki, the Coptic stitch info as well as piccys.

So all in all it was a very productive week, homework wise... don't feel so intimidated by school and have remembered that i really like it, miss it even. so back to the books tomorrow...

take care & its hoped you have a most blessed week vjv :D

p.s. *sssshhhhhhhh... ;P got the links for the fairy doors up & a link to Reiki :D no piccys yet... time ran out today hmmmmm wonder why?!?!? :?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 followed her to school one day.... :P the Lamb!

Dont ask me WHAT got me thinkin about that nursery song!!! -.-
takes a center stage right now. During study breaks, for now, grabbin sumthin to eat or bathroom breaks bout cover it. Do push some crafting in, as working with fiber is sooooooooo relaxing & just refocuses me!!! ya know?!? :D
Did get the one glove done to the set & the next one started - yeah! Am feeling very comfortable with the stitches & they are looking better. Trying to find the stitch guide for the one that looks like a knit stich... whips out web search... well will go on the prowl when time permits :D

Now for some 0_oh's on some fiber stash got to spin with... ONCE i get it down. Getting the hang of it more. My second attempt was not so "wacky" -.- TRY being the key work here! the yarn on the top is the most recent "try", has not been soaked or set yet, the bottom was my very first, first, first go at it... :(

Enjoy a couple of the fiber stash photos... its so nice & soft & fluffy & 0_o am looking forward to working with it... am ready for the light bulb to flicker, go on, when the spinning fairy hits me with her dust & it goes... "SNAP!!!" yep ya got it & start to spin like a fiend... well a gnome fiend! ahaahaaaaaa!!!!! watch you
r socks! <|:o)
hope this posts up nice... ;) LQQks like it did - niiiiiiiiice. so am saving this stash until get proficient at the spinning... at some point it will click in. Until then, will work with what i have & do more shopping of the done up stuff! :D

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sufferin Sucatash Saturday & Enter to Win :D

Well this week is almost over & what a week it has been. Didnt get much time to to crafting as school took presidence, BUT everything is "mostly" in place, books & such, thank goodness!

Before i go further, do need to point something out! Fave Crafts has a great giveaway right now, check it out here: Spotty Cat Wall Quilt Kit Giveaway and enter for a chance to win this cute kit. :D
[picture is on the right]

will post more later...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

tweet ~ tweedle * tweet *.*

sooo+0 found twitter & twibbon!!! ahaahaaaa & 0_0h! nooooooo see the info to the right! whoot!

really... signing off now! ahaaahaaaaaa :P o.o

o<|:) [its those cheeky gnomes fault!]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesdays... the middle of the week

... the middle of the week - so its down hill from here..... well its supposed to be & it is :D

So the "online school" stuff is just about settled... not so out of control to speak, with the exception of a couple of missing books & a missing code, have just about completed most of what needed to. Have checked out my math/algebra class & its going to be different... assignments & tests are done online, so will save some paper & pencil. :P remember the days it might take up to 7 pages to solve an algebra problem, really like working up algebra problems. Unfortunately, i cannot remember too much right now, its been soooooooo_0 long since have gone down that road, but am so looking forward to it. :D Really like algebra whoot :D

Did get the pictures uploaded of recent work so here are a couple & the links to more on Ravelry

Nalbinding Gloves: @Ravelry - varigated blue | brown
[ Asle & Mammen stitches ]

Nalbinding Hat: @Ravelry - Varigated "Fiesta"
[ made with Asle & Oslo stitches - Pom-pom made with a Lucet ]

Did get one glove done & will get a picture or two of it up soon. Have started the 2nd glove & feel good, especially since not using a pattern, just "winging" it.

On a "heavier note"... :( my thoughts & good juju to all the Haitians that are going through this intense time. May the Angels grace you with peace & comfort during this time. May your loved ones be found & given tender loving care. My Heart, Thoughts & Prayers go out to your country, its people & the responders that are there, as well as the ones on their way. Peace be to you all. vjv

Ceecil is not ready yet to make an appearance, he's a tad bit shy, :P Hopefully will get him finished by the weekend, that's my goal anyways :D

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year & A New Start?!?

so i think i've bitten off a tad bit more than i can chew right now... or at least it feels that way! grrrrrrufff! Ms. Brainiac here decided to go back to school after being out for close to 30 years & 0_oh man... lots of cob webs & right now facing some major road blocks!!! ***runs screeeeeeeeeammming!!! so nope dont have the pictures uploaded yet from the new projects that am "working" on... retrieved them off of the camera, but just dont have them uploaded yet. wanted to get that done a couple of days ago, but have been trying to finish my sons gloves, then for two days worked on "finalizing" school stuff. well tried to. then when the books came today, one was missing & a code i need to get online for another course is MIA! the box was terribly ripped & well... after trying for over an hour to get online in this one particular area, just decided it was time to call it a day & head to bed.... well, start to.

Decided needed to at least say, did get the pictures taken of the pom-poms & did try to work with florist wire while using the Lucet. not very productive, but did manage to get it "going". didnt get pictures yet, that's next in line, with the other stuff! ahaahaaaaa! did manage to snap a pic of my first batch of "yarn" made with my make shift drop spindle... and well... need MORE practice. so when i get ready to wanna go bonkers with school..... i have outlets! HA!ha!HA! AND have Ceecil to help me! more on that later... Ceecil has come into existance soley by design of happen chance! :D He's a jolly fella & likes to have fun..... he needs a gnome hat! :o)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow! 2010! and it starts ALL over again! :P So a quick note, will update more later... include photos as well with projects have been working on. Got another Nalbinding Hat done, started some mittens.... ;) course my first one of the pair is funny, well the thumb is funny but none the less it got made & picked up a new Nalbinding stitch - Mammen. Also made a spinner to learn drop spinning from, tried my first batch & well... need practice.... LOTS of it! ahaahaaaa! [i'm not so hot on drafting as it spins... :( ] BUT for now can get the do a lil bit by hand... stop, draft, spin, stop, draft.... will be watching more on line tutorials & such to "get it". do see that its fun, relaxing & see why others like doing it. so ordered some roving to play with... in the mean time using some felting roving to practice with.

anywhoo_0oosen will add more later, just wanted to pop in & at least throw a comment out

0_oh!!!!! did find another use for the Lucets! :D making pom-poms! yeppers, turn out rather nice.... will post pics as added a lil one to my first Nalbinding hat & made up one for my 2nd hat. did get more ideas for using lucets & cording, but one thing at a time... or at least 3, no more than 3 at a time... ahaaahaaaaaa! :oP

laters & have fun crafting, fibering & exploring :O)