Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dandelions, Homework, Knitting, a TV Show and time for.....??? BaZinga!

0_oh My Heavenly Daze! as I sip through yet another cup of coffee…

I am not quite sure how it happens, but it seems like by the time Sunday rolls around, a “Homework Crunch” or “Sunday Slam” is going on! In planning the week out, tackling assignments, tests, essays and projects, all seems and appears to be going well, then “WHAM!” the Sunday Slam starts to happen. How?!? *scratches head here a bit… let’s take in to account 10-12 hours spent daily on homework one would think I would have all work completed by Friday! If you figure 2-3 hours study time needed for each credit hour plus a given “+” 2 more for homework “x” four classes, that equates to… *whips out sci-tech calculator… ahaahaaaa just kidding…. 20 or so hours should about do it, right? So in two days all homework should be done?!? Let us examine my Algebra…

Last week my “logged in” hours of study were well over 10 hours, but that did not include the book study, nor the online work. (includes homework, quizzes and tests) Let’s add 5 hours to that, worked with fractions (how fun!) for a total of 15 hours… Right there are my two days of “All homework should be done!” Guess what it is not! Do I waste time? Dawdle a bit here and there? Take a “breather” and knit a lil? Why of course, here and there, but not to the point of being ridiculous! So where does the time go? Well there is reading time, research time, writing time, compiling time, posting on discussion threads time, working on paper time, homework, tests, labs, and stare at computer hoping the answers will just pop out at me time. (yeah the brain fizzles at times. Now how could THAT happen?!!!?) Working on assignments that don’t exist too, I forgot that part, eats up time too… for instance: [see below]

DANDELIONS! Yep it’s about friggin DANDELIONS! Part one of five of the assignments in my Basic Writing/English class, is to write a story about being a part of a Dandelion. It is a “free writing” exercise where we can “have fun” and get the creative juices flowing. Woot! :D It is also to include a thesis sentence, What happens to you, to your family, where do we end up, what is the flight like, what are your emotions? In reading the assignment, was either reading too fast through it, or was really tired, or….. well there are many “or’s” one can factor in, but I flat out did not see that this was supposed to be just a sentence submission, I focused on and did an entire short story/essay. My approach was to be fantasy and be a fluffy plume pod from the Dandelion that would eventually leave her “Great Mother”. As I worked on this story, it was fun as my little Dandelion world and universe unfolded. I tried to capture the wonder of being whisked up in a warm spring breeze off to start a new life away from my Momma Dandelion. So being proud that I had accomplished this feat and didn’t kick or scream too much on this assignment I was beaming with eagerness to submit it. To complete the assignment we had to post on our discussion board our work……….. ( pausing here for effect……………………more pause……………. still more……………. okay enough all ready!) Yep I posted the entire story! Others had posted a paragraph or two of their stories, after my post someone else posted their story. Underneath that submission was the comment/question… “…but I believe all we were suppose to post were our thesis.” To me a thesis is more than just a sentence, it’s the entire enchilada, burrito grande… the whole dang doughnut… etc., AND when you read the instructions, it could be taken a couple of different ways. Lol Well I sure did, right or wrong, I was wondering if I did “over kill”, but ya know… I spent “TIME” on it! So lesson learned, as if I don’t already, I reread, and reread, and reread over the assignments, and will add a couple of more rereads in there now. Funny, I guess, not quite sure what the intention was behind the post, it doesn’t matter… the assignment was completed… with a tad bit more! :D What is even more funny, I had the feeling, she may have “tattled” and sent an email off to the instructor, with her “discovery” of the infraction of some of her classmates. Was I surprised in a follow up post to someone commenting on her comment that the instructor emailed her that it was acceptable is people submitted a paragraph or two! Wow! Cracks me up! So our class has an assignment police! ROFL for sure!

In between the course work for each class, I do take mini study breaks mostly so can transition between subjects. I am finding if I knit five rows here and there my productivity is much better, and my focus is sharpened. Finding out where the time goes though is puzzling me. This week I have been working on 2-3 classes a day, instead of focusing on just one class per day. The progression through the assignments has been better. Anywoooosen… Earlier I was contemplating the irony of all of this… time, time to gain an education certificate that says “I am a graduate of… and am well versed in knowledge in… and am able to…” that will enable me to squeeze out a meager living, hopefully more than meager, as a glorified code monkey or engineer of the idea that will facilitate code monkeys so that I might be the top totem code monkey, well more like 3rd down from the top of the totem? Oh yeah! Almost forgot, I do squeeze in a “Bazinga!” here and there!!! :D See Sheldon’s ball pit scene from The Big Bang Theory! Enjoy! This show is a whooot!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Nalbinding, and School, and Knitting 0_oh! MY!

Nalbinding, and School, and Knitting, 0_oh! MY!!! :D

A very buzzzy week indeed it has been. In between studying my breaks consist of doing something with fiber of some sort. In all this, decided to try to knit again and am pleasantly surprised I can!!! When I tried to knit years ago, was sooo hyper tense that the stitches would not come off of the knitting needles! :( So I concentrated on crochetting. There are so many nice knitting patterns that was really wanting to try it again. I learned Nalbinding to try to "go around" knitting, making items this way and alter the patterns a bit to use Nalbinding. Working the stitches are a joy and have picked up four different types of Nalbinding stitches and am looking forward to learn more.

While learning the ancient art of Nalbinding we have had some rather extreme weather here which put a real chill in the air. My Mom's hands really take a beating as far as getting very cold so I thought i would try to make a pair of fingerless gloves for her. Have always like them... Chitty Chitty Bang, Bang! the movie is were developed my interest & lotta like for them... "Granda" singin his "P.O.S.H." song! **grins** :D So whipped out a pair for her, no pattern, but just experimented. Got the idea after doing up my sons gloves. Well while working on hers and investigating Ravelry's patterns for fingerless gloves, saw many nice knitted ones and decided to give it a try.

In the mean time had sent away for some knitting needles as "EVENTUALLY" will make a Gnome... so like Gnomes! :P figured i would "practice" on the fingerless gloves! Because it had been so long since the initial learning to knit, started to look at basic knitting instructions and for a simple pattern that would get me reacquainted with casting on, the basic stitches, cables, binding off... etc. Found this site Knitting Help that has been a really good source. Holding the yarn was proving to be a real challenge for me. I had seen a remarkable video with a lady knitting really fast, which amazed me. Noticed that her technique was "different" from what could remember, holding the thread with my right hand. I just could not get a good rhythm going. In watching the tutorial videos, noticed that there was "Continental" or "German" style of knitting. Took to it like a duck to water, it felt more comfortable.

Soooo yada, yada, blah, blah, blah, later... got the fingerless gloves done and am "hooked" ;) eheeheeee on knitting! already have projects in line AND if don't have enough to do, joined the
Ravelympics! Am a proud member of Team uKNIT and will be participating in the Bobsled, Mitten Moguls and Sock Hockey events! lol! figured while taking a much needed break from my Basic Writing tourture, need to make it count! ahaahaaaa! [so not doing well in that class! :( ugggh!] English, especially grammar is NOT my forte. IT does not make sense to me, at all!!! well we will leave this subject and back to fiber!!! :D well almost, need to get back to homework for now!

soooooo_0 be back later to complete! :D