Sunday, August 15, 2010

Waaay Overdue Update... :?

So as I look down and see my last blog “update” or last date wanted to update… it has sunk in… ONCE again that my goal of a weekly post/update has yet again flown right past me… buzzin my “tower” even! 0_0 !  (tower = brain  eheeheee ;))  *J-Bird hangs head in same as a tisk*tisk escapes from an utterance.  I really do try, but time gets away from me literally as I get caught up in life or my “E. S. C. A. Paaaee’s!”  “Dori’s version of escape!” *grin   which brings me to this date and time and…

This morning as I woke up slowly… my son was on my mind so sent him “Luv” and wrote a note on his wall in facebook.  Yes have facebook now and really am enjoying it because of the contacts and being able to be in more contact.  lol am still learning it’s in’s and out’s, but really like it.  So look me up under J-Bird Barkley [insert FB link here] and send a friend request… if you have not already.  Some of you have already, Thank You! and ((hugs))  I appreciate all of you so much, just  wish I was better at communication on a steady basis, that is.  [smile]  so… onto an “update”

My sister-in-law, Rose, is doing much better now, thank goodness! Thank you everyone for your prayers and Reiki! TYTYTYTYTY! It is greatly appreciated! Mom is still helping her out with meals/planning/nutrition. Rose is doing more of it herself now, which is a goal of her’s and her Doctor’s. I am still helping out with her med’s so am her “pill pharmacy/pusher/police” lol… and still am doing a “semi” vampie shift. After her 2:00 a.m. meds I try to head to bed in between 3-4:00 a.m.. Key word here is “try” that does not always happen. ahaahaaaa! We have had some “adjustments” and mini melt downs, but now that she has found a local Doctor and is on a program that has helped tremendously with meds and such. Every two weeks she goes to Tulsa to do her outpatient care, which gives her and my brother an outing and a “little” drive. (Tulsa is about 2-2.5 hours away… depending on how fast one drives 0_o)

Trying to make this “short” as have homework/forms/school stuff to get to, which brings me to my next update. My classes have started up for the Fall 2010 session and am excited to be back in school again. It “finally” hit me… lol I am a certified “geek,” bookworm, nerd,… or whatever g33ky name ya wanna call me. ;) lol  It also hit me that am a comp geek too!  lol  and what is crackin me up is T.V. show wise my 3 most favorite “sit-coms” involve geeks, and have some characters really like/identify with. NCIS – Abby, Criminal Minds – Garcia and Big Bang Theory – Sheldon and Leonard.  Go figure… right?!? rofl!  Not saying that I am “that” brainy, I have miles to go… to even get 1/3 to their levels… lol but am on my journey, none the less.  [smile]  My course schedule has 5 classes this term: Comp I, Intermediate Algebra, Science Proficiency, IT/Intro to Computing and CS/Orientation to Computer Technology. So am a happy camper!  And in one of my computer classes will be doing a bit of programing! Whoot! Looks like will be doing either programing a virtual world and/or a game.  [big smile/grin] I still pinch myself that am back in school and working on finishing my education… was not sure it would ever happen. but it is!

The next/last update… it has been a year since Dad’s passing… 8.13.09 at 9:40’ish p.m. when he left this reality and went to heaven/the otherside/… whatever choice one wants to call death and a life form passing from this life onto the next…? (does not really matter, does it?) and it seems surreal that it has been a year already. I did not ever “grieve” last year, there was too much going on… well not “much,” lol… lots of family invaded this lil home; Mom got super sick and ended up in the hospital; we took daily trips after she got out, for antibiotic infusions for six weeks after that… I tried to get some “heavy” burdens satisfied or suspended indefinitely (got them suspended… phew!) winter came in mildly then hit us with two blizzards late in the winter; Kat, my daughter, got stuck trying to get home in the first one and Mom and I were on pins and needles until she got safely home (Christmas Eve!); started my first semester back to school; tornado season came in early for us this year! 0_0 ! Mom went to Idaho to visit my Bro and his wife (Rose); in one of the tornadoes/thunder/hail storms, Kat lost her car, as there was so much damage from the hail storm her car was totaled; my spring 2010 school session ended successfully (Thank Goodness!); Mom went back to Idaho to help out Bro and Rose… then they ended up coming here to get her help and ended up moving here! Summer came in Roaring with Heat this year! ack! Double glad listened to my “gutt” and did not take summer classes as in between taking care of dogs, shuffling house around, helping sis-in-law… keeping tea supplied (lol) etc., blah blah blah… its been a rather “uneventful” year! 0_0 ! ya believe that?!? Not! Well I never grieved… or mourned Dad’s passing… it kind of bothered me as felt maybe I was getting a hard heart, but figured I maybe there was a delayed reaction? Who knows, but 8.13.10 it hit me like a ton of bricks, I really do miss my Dad, not his suffering, but Him. I know he is around and checks in on us every now and then, I can feel him. But Friday was a rough day, burst into tears a lot and was very emotional… I do not like to be that way as I tend to be a big water work factory and need a humongous box of tissues… *honk-honk! jk… lol I don’t like blowing my nose… 0_o  okay, okay… honestly I don’t like showing my vulnerable side too often. Silly I know, but dat’s me! :P  Whatever… the reason, it hit me finally, so I guess my heart has not hardened after all… well not a lot. lol!  anywhoosen…

My! My! I have talked on waaaaay too much for this being a “short” update! LOL!!! I wanted to put something else out there, but it will have to wait, I need to get some school work done and find proctor forms. Lol ALL five of my classes this year need proctored tests and I have found threee of the five proctor forms needed! Lol my instructors are hiding them from me!  Ahaahaaa a “pre-test!” I guess! Lol

Well my friends, loved ones and even friends have not met yet, I hope that your days are blessed and that as we move out of summer into fall that you and yours are blessed with cool days and warm wonderful things! Blessings to you my dear <3 loved ones. Laters ^j^ Jeannine ^j^

Oh… J-Bird was a nick name my Dad gave to me as a lil girl and it seem fitting to make my FB page using that endearment… [smile]  just a lil f.y.i.  [grin]

p.p.s.s. lol Yes I am doing better too! lol legs healing up very nice and Doctor says I need to watch some things here and there, but will live! 0_0 ! or !0_o!  take your pick! lol... even gave me some Rx when get those visits from "Uncle Art Ritus"  rofl! ahaahaaaaa... [grin] Mom told on me in FB... is why this is here. [wink]

Check out this Flash drive I ordered for extra storage, school work, music -n- such! Its cool! lol... for the Pirate lubber, geeky Goth in a person, or "just cuz" it's cool!  ;)   Amazon is neat too, they have a student account option which gives me additional free shipping options.

Cool! My wish-list on Amazon has gotten "longer" lol! Knitting books, Computer books... etc.....  :D

My "Favorites" from Amazon have also been updated with some books that I have gotten, read, used, and highly recommend. Enjoy perusing over them.  :D   Note: the journals are absolutely beautiful, versatile, AND very affordable. The "Markings by C.R. Gibson" Journals are very beautiful and colorful. Their pictures do not do them justice. I ordered the Butterfly one for school or "hand writing" journal keeping and ended up ordering another one for a gift and just got the Daisy and Dahila ones yesterday... they are beautiful as well! Very Striking! Got them for gifts.  :D
If you use the free shipping option when ordering it helps save on shipping. I learned the "hard way" about shipping and buying with their stock, does save time, $$$, and some sanity! HA! well some of it! :P  okay, plugged amazon... off to study!
for reals this time! rofl ! 0_0 !

Saturday, July 10, 2010

010000100111001001101111011010110110010101101110 → Broken

0100100001100101011000010111001001110100  →  Heart …

some F.Y.I.:  Difference between Capital binary Broken vs lower case binary broken and Capital binary Heart vs lower case binary heart Binary Code!  For those 1337 g33ks out there… enjoy… others am sure are “shaking their heads!”  lol   remember, it takes many kinds to make the world, otherwise it sure would be booO.Oooring!
011000100111001001101111011010110110010101101110 – broken
0110100001100101011000010111001001110100 - heart

At 6:50 ish this A.M. trying to go to sleep I was thinking… how simple animals and computers are. 1 0 or  I O is the standard binary code that makes up computers and “programming” nowadays is more “fancy” but the “root” of it is… Binary (bi-na-ry = noun; 15th century;: something made of or based on two things or parts as a: Binary Star b: a binary number system). Animals, much like computers are simple, input = output, but their love is unconditional, especially dogs, I have seen it… you can beat a dog sensless (not recommended, abhor unnecessary violence on ANY living creature) and the dog will go back to his “master” waggin his tail and ready to give love and receive it.  Some dogs will only take so much and turn on “said” master, and the master will get his “cum-uppins!”  what you sow, so shall yea reap!  Unfortantely, more often than not the dog will succumb to death or dropped off out in the “wild” and will become hunted or a hunter.  “Real Life” sucks at times… but back to my “point” animals sense who is a “pet person” and who is not, and they respond also to “necessity” and/or “needs.”  Instinctively I have seen a dog handle very gently an elderly person near her death bed and “give” her a warm smile through her touch and allowing her to stroke her.  Speaking of my beloved Jenna and my beloved departed Grandma Ceil.

Grandma got to where she responded only to Jenna and smiled and “woke-up” to pet her.  Jenna in return, brought herself under Grandma’s hand so she could “pet” her.  She stood there for as long as Grandma needed, and just as Grandma tired, she lowered herself and Dad and I helped Grandma settle back in her chair.  Everyone in the room had a tear rolling down their face.   Jenna was special like that, and at the time did not know that she was a Reiki dog.  Lol, being an Akita, go figure!  So the “na-sayers” that say dogs do not “realize” or “reason” well… guess what, like there are many “arsie” holes out there, there are as many opinions!  So animals “get it” and so do electronic components, especially computers… and I can relate to them very well.  Even insects!  Yep am a cricket whisperer!   Or Dr.Doolittle of the insect world and some animals.  Or so my niece has called me. 

One nite while she was staying with us, she witnessed it firsthand.  The kids had told her that I was talking to a cricket that had adopted our family and she scoffed at them.  So she was spending time with “Aunty J” on a sleep over and got to see it.  Let’s back up a bit.  A cricket had gotten stuck in my kids room and had been chirping for a couple of days, well “Sissy”  (Kat, my daughter) is not a “jumping bug person) and was sleeping with Mom until it left.  Well I could not find it to catch it and put it outside.  After two days of tears, from the kidd, and listening to their beautiful music, I decided for my daughter’s sanity to try to find this cricket.  So when he started chripping I snuck into their room and soflty cooed to the cricket and told him if he would hop out to the living room I would catch him gently and release him so he could enjoy outside and play his music out there.  Later that night after the kids had gone to bed and I was relaxing, I saw movement… yep the cricket hopped out to the middle of the living room floor and did a lil chirp.  I was blown away.  So I told him to stay still while I got a container, and he did. I put the container over him, gently slid him over paper, opened the front door and let him hop out on the grass.  As I shut the door, he started playing his music.  When I caught him I noticed he was black and a good size, which I learned later he is an “older” cricket, so he got named “Grandpa Cricket” lol.  So “Sissy” was able to return to her bed the following evening upon a through investigation of the room and me telling her of the “encounter,” and with me promising to stay in the room till she fell asleep.  lol,   A few days later, he returned!  No joke! After I had put the kids down I saw movement again, he chirped at me…. I let him chirp for a bit, he stopped so I scooped him and put him out.  This happened on a regular basis over the summer.  And a tiny cricket had gotten stuck in the house and… yep it went to the middle of the floor, chirped once, and he was released outside after i caught the lil one.
Now… back to my neice, she had asked me if I talked to animals, and I said, well of course… I have always talked to them, they listen, and for the most part don’t “back talk”… she giggled and said, “Nawww, you know like Dr. Doolittle Auntie, talk to them and they understand?”  I chuckled and asked her why she was asking me this? She told me about the kids talking about Grandpa Cricket and the “story” they had told her and she wanted to know if it was true…. lol as if right on cue, sure enough Grandpa Cricket hopped out into the middle of the living room floor, chirped, and her mouth dropped open!  I giggled and gave a salutation to Grandpa Cricket… told him to be still… went and got a container, caught him… she excitedly asked if she could release him outside, so I let her… and well… it was a fun night with “Aunty J!”  she did not question me after that, nor did she question my kids! 

lol… so anywhoosen, since that time I have talked to other animals and insects and whether its vibrations, tones or what, we communicate.  I had to get over my fear of Praying Mantis… they really used to creep me out! But they are wonderful creatures and will “take you on, man”  they can do it… lol, the have the “little dog” syndrome!  But they are wonderful natural garden insect pesticide mini generals, and also had to get past spiders… as well, realized that I have spider medicine in me… thanks to a couple of friends pointing that out to me.  So unless I get the “danger sense” they live to do their thing and help remind me of “things.”  They do have their place.  Even snakes… another fear had to get past… but that is another story, the spiders and snakes!  lol, that is a song!  Ahaahaahahahahaa!  *grins*

So… why all this blathering, last night was rough with my sis-in-law, (going to call her Rose okay, for she is a lovely flower! :)) so Rose did not have a good night.  Her pain meds are getting low, and she will not see a primary doctor until Monday(7.12.10), and hopefully this one will take her on.  Until then some of her “controlled” substances cannot be refilled until she is established here.  Because of the seizures “healing” is taking a bit more time and her pain level, well what they gave her in the 2nd of July, she “ate” through that already, and we were in “reserves.”  The “reserves” are at a lower dose, so she started eating through those quickly and in “counting” to see if she would make it to Monday… at the rate she is going right now, the meds would run out Saturday/Sunday in the A.M. hours… so we discussed and plotted out to try to manage her pain, and stretch the meds till Monday before her appointment.  Thursday/Friday night/a.m. was not too bad, she woke up but went back to bed.  I did have extra strength pain otc ready for her, but she whisked back to bed before I could intercept her.  Last night/a.m. was a different story.  She woke up around 1:30 a.m., gave her a choice of pain reliever, which had a couple of her Rx pain med with extra strength otc  (otc = over the counter)  so she took that and a muscle relaxer (part of her med schedule) and hopefully that would tide her over till “Mom’s” shift, which starts around 6-7:00a.m.  at 3:40a.m. she was up in pain and the only thing I could offer her was extra strength otc!  My heart broke for her… I was thinking about packing it in hoping she might be able to work through the pain and I fell asleep trying to shut down my computer!  She woke me up around 6:30a.m. ish in bad shape… mom too had stirred, so went ahead and gave her pain meds…  I wanted to burst into tears, then I decided after I had had some sleep that we would re-talk this over and just go with the “regular” schedule and when it runs out take her to E.R. hopefully priory to a seizure as these meds were part of her seizure problem. 

So as I laid in bed trying to get at least a couple of hours sleep… to clear my head, I struck me… computers and animals are similar, simple and we relate and “get each other” all so well… lol go figure why doing programming and why Reiki, I am, am I, found its way into my life.  It is simple pure and it gets to the core of the issue(s) or problem(s) and flows freely and unconditionally for any one that wants its healing touch. Course, like with my kids, when then would get sick, would make sure they got taken care of, but when I would get sick would “forget” to take care of me or suddenly get “upid” about it.  I do that now… lol, when things are “happening” to others (brought to mind, or hear of a need, or get asked, or stumble upon a situation… etc.,), Reiki turns on, kicks in and goes to it, at times my whole body emanates it and I get a “rush of flush”  (Kundalini Reiki – heap powerful stuff, woah man!) lol and when things are swirling round me or something is amiss… “duuuuh” hits me and well “me forgets!”  fortunately my Reiki Master, and Reiki friends/associates/Dear Hearts, come to the rescue and send it to me!  For instance, last week my right leg was going into cellulites and within a couple of days when I woke up it was gone, so Thank You!!! Whome ever picked up on that need….. the prayer warriors also helped on that one too!  So tytytytytytytytyty my Dear <3 Hearts for holding me up!  lmho (laugh my hiney off *wink*)  “This” was running through my head as I tried to fall asleep… at first figured would just rest for a couple of hours then get up and tend to Rose (my sweet sis-in-law… member named her that.. eheeheeeheehehe easier to type instead of sweet sis-in-law… faster! Ahaahahahahaaa!) before I knew it Punkin (Mom’s dog) was using my head as a pillow, lol, and I stirred… it was 11:00 a.m.!  Wow, got some a lil bit of rest.  So bounded up… well drug out bed and tried to orient and start “counting” when is Rose due for meds… brushed teeth, went to grab some coffee and the day started.

While I was pondering if I should write this “loonicy” down, it came to me, thank you dear sweet <3 Angels, that yes… need to and update my blog.  As this is my “live” journal so to speak of.  lol, when I moved here to “OK land” my daily journal writing came to an abrupt halt due to Dad’s care, I would start an entry and the bell would ring or it would be time for meds, breathing treatment… etc., feed, water dogs (not the planted ones! lol!!!) and quickly the journaling got dropped.  And I missed it terribly; it has kept me “sane” over the years.  Now… since I want to keep my beloved family and friends in the know, and keep me sane… this is working… well sort of?  ahaahaaaa! 

Anywho.osen! This entry is a snap shot, but more importantly… it is communication.  When I sent out the mass email, (do not like those, they can be “impersonal”) but I value each and every one of you.  For whatever reason all of you have been brought into my life at some point and there is always a reason “Why” things happen, (there are no coincidences!) people are brought together, and why some relationships last, no matter what or why… I realize a “friendship” with me is “trying” as I can be a flake… (caused by bouts of depression from having fibromyalgia, I retreat inwards) and withdraw all communications because “I do not deserve friends.”  This is a lil lie that resounds in my head harshly, so it takes me a little bit to work through that period where I eventually “snap out of it.” Sometimes I feel like my “tin foil” is a lil loose! lol, and not honed into the “Home Planet!” ahaahaaa so… when I “lapse” that is part of the reason, the other, which is most of the time, is I am not a good “keep in touch” type personage. (note sent out a couple of days ago)

So… there you have it… as said before, everything happens for a reason, no coincidences and this experience with Rose, Mom, my Bro and I are happening for a reason.  Dad and that experience paved the way to prepare both Mom and I for this, and this is preparing her and I both for something else… what? We do not know, but am sure it will be “interesting” and “enriching” for all things work for “the Big Kahuna’s Glory” and he guides us and send us assistance! (so grateful for His Angels, Spirit and guides!!!)  I have blathered on loooooooong enough, need to jet as its about dinner time, (well lunch for me!  lol) and the girls want “breakfast” for dinner!  ROFL!!!  eheeheeee  so need to get off of here with this update so can get “scrambling!”  Also, some meds came in today for Rose... so we are back on schedule and tonight/a.m. will be much better.  She had called her Idaho physician explaiing what was going on and they gave her enough to last till she gets a Doctor here!  Thank goodness and Thank you "Big Kahuna" upstairs!!! He does look out for us all!

Take care and have a most Blessed day!
^j^  Jeannine  ^j^

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

): Miss You Dad! :(

It has been almost a year since Dad’s passing, Aug.13.2010… Today more than other days I seem to be missing him.  I got an early afternoon with just me and the pupps, so got a lil bit of a break, really needed it.  As I let the water hit me in the shower, also missed Hawaii, the rain, walking in it, and swimming in the ocean while it rained.  The smells afterwards are just amazing and whisk you away to an island paradise… you get to lose yourself and everything else and for a moment, tranquility touches you lightly dancing all over your body as the rain falls.  As that memory faded I realized it was just the shower “rain” and got abruptly jolted back into “real life.”  Which has become a waking nightmare… as of late, actually a really weird dream, of the alt/gothic variety!  0.0

Last month saw us preparing for incoming family, my brother and his wife and then they turned around and took her to a medical facility in Tulsa Oklahoma to help her realize that she is allowed to eat and its okay and yes she is a valuable person and deserves to live.  She suffers from anorexia and has other ailments, but this was the immediate concern as she was borderline to the “point of no return,” with a possible “six feet under” resolution.  Which is NOT what anyone in our family wants, especially her husband (my bro) and her girls, as well as Mom and me. 

(btw = by the way… I really don’t care if these sentences are “correct”… don’t have the energy to “fix” them…!)

So with her being there for at least 21 days, Mom and my Bro went up as often as was allowed to Tulsa to see her, with Bro going an additional day for “family” counseling.  My duties then were “Dog Duty” (crowd control or “keep them from fighting”) as my baby boy… Gabriel, is very aggressive with playing and when first meet… as he “IS” the Alpha male and well… Maggie, my brother and sis-n-law’s dog is a wee lil yorkie, cute as a button and may be 5lbs soaking wet!!! And would be a two bite snack for him!  Not that he would, but until he “gets used” to a new dog… well, my duty is to keep them on a rotating schedule so they both get a chance to socialize with family and the other two dogs (mom’s dogs), but are a room apart.  So that is my job and to resupply the tea…. That was for about 3 weeks… she came home June.25.on a Friday………. and, well….. that was eleven days ago and it feels like it has been a life time.

No complaints, but is has been very intense.  We are having to monitor her eating and meds… “We” have issues with mood and pain monitoring meds and “We” tend to feel like “We” need them sooner than necessary… so Mom does the nutrition and I am the “Pill Police,” which has but me back on a “Vampie” shift (which I totally loooove!) and make sure she is supplied when necessary.  Just before she came home, she had a siezire as they tried to take her off some of her meds too fast that need to be tapered off, so her body decided to “flip”on her.  So between the meds and her anorexia she flat out fell while in line to get her lunch meal.  The night before she had one too, she woke up with big bruises the next day, then had another, which left her with deep muscle and tissue bruising, ribs bruised, mild concussion, more meds, more “stuff” to deal with.  (foggy to moderate memory loss, which she already suffers with that anyways from years ago… another long story)  so in trying to get her meds situated, her situated, a routine etc… “daily” life around here is not boring.  About 3 days in there was a “meltdown” regarding pain meds so we had to come to an agreement, which left me in charge of monitoring and dispersing meds… period.  (keeping mom out of the line of fire… so to speak)  so I get to be the “baaad cop” when needed… but am learning new approach methods and in talking with my dear sis-n-law, keep telling her, trying to help her so she wont over medicate… which would lead to another set of problems.  She will take meds and then 15 mins later ask for meds forgetting that she had just taken them and that she last took them in the morning…  So there is a “mental” agility I am having to perform and by the time the day is done I am really tired and cannot think straight!  Gee wonder how I can put this down on a resume!  Lol

… “I have been an assistant care taker for my beloved Father, which lasted for close to 2 years that covered various duties, meds, nurse, shots, changing feeding tubes, running monitors for his breathing apparatus, keeping charts, helping with daily laundry, taking care of dogs, more laundry, worked the graves so mom could “sleep in,” lifting Dad up in the bed, as his hind end was like a banana peel and he was so tall, he was constantly slipping down in his bed (he was bedfast)… helping with “doogy duty” (wont go there on that description)… doing sticks, to see if need shot to keep from going into a diabetic coma, breathing treatments (due to him being on a vent), helping mom change his circuit (the vent helped him breath), making up charts to keep meds in line…”  so how could label that experience?!?  lol
Then after he passed… got things taken care of so could go back to school, knew would need a distraction… also knew summer school would not work, did not know exactly why… now do!  Lol, so cut to june/july and now how would this be labeled….???

… “I have been a primary/assistant care taker for my sweet sister-in-law, primary pill pusher/supplier/moderator/charter, (also made charts to monitor with… tytytyty excel class!!! had  this spring!  Whoop!  Lol made is sooo much more easier)  work graves to ensure patient receives meds, “relaxer meds,” gets back to bed safely  (some of her meds makes her like those wibbly wobblies! you know those toys from a few ago!  lol) help chart her meals, offer support emotional and reassurance.  Have learned perspective and approaches have to be tailored at times moment by moment… as memory is affected on a constant rotating basis…. crisis management skills are developing and tested… as still on doggy rotating duty… resupply tea, feed/water dogs, and household duties too…..”  so how would one describe this?

The real question is will I use this on a resume?  You are for sure darn tootin!!!  So what have you done since laid off in the summer of 2007?!?  Hmmmmmmm how long do you really have for this interview?  ROFL!  Ahaahaaaa!  Why am I thinking about this now? As still have a good 4 years to go till get my degree and can seriously apply for programming positions?!?   Well, that is how my brain works and is unfortaunatly/fortunately wired and thanks to my Dad! Bless him! He was always thinking ahead and fortunately I got that gene… but it can drive me batty at times!  lol!!!  Do I regret what is going on right now or feel put upon?!?  Nope, am glad, very glad can help out my brother and think a lot lately, this is a drop in the bucket compared to what he has had to got through… he has been going through this on his own for ten years or so!  So Mom and I both are more than happy to help him and her out!  He is leaving tomorrow to go pack up their place, as they will be staying with us for an undetermined amount of time.  I love my family, we pitch in and help and take care of our own… course my salary right now is paid in love and thank you’s…. (doesn’t pay the bills, but ya know… things seem to work out!... how?  Ya know they just do) and in the mean time we take it day by day… and thank our Beloved Heavenly Creator that he has our back and supplies what we need, when we need it.  Life goes on and we continue to learn, grow and find moments that help us make it through the day.

Well I have yacked on loooooooong enough…. and will close for now.  If you want to “find” me on my current “e.s.c.a.p.e.”  (Dori’s send me an email and will send you an invite to come play with “Darnel” (my dragon) and me!  Eheeheeee!  Soon will be on facebook and will let you know my "handle" so if ya want, can find me there.

Thank you, My friends and loved ones, for the prayers, thoughts and Reiki, may your day be graced with wonderful blessings and may the Angels leave you with a wonderful message!  In lite and with many good juju thoughts,
vjv  Jeannine  vjv

Saturday, June 12, 2010

!o.o! Schedules !o.o!

Per last post, “officially” on summer break and well….. it has been “insane!”  Will go into that here in a bit.  My original intention to post once a week…  :?  well, time flies *cough*      lol, especially when one is having fun!    In between reconstructing a web page for a social network site I help out with… [ P.A.L. Page ], trying to learn CSS, playing in a tournament, being a dog sitter, trying to find job resumes/history (would like a part time job…  :?), refilling the tea, and….. well the list is and will go on, has been rearranged, revamped imploded… “?” (lost count, many time! Ahaahaaaa)  “Time” it seems has gotten away from me, yet again!  PLUS our family, bless us everyone!, is undergoing another “emergency” or as some are lo.oking at it, another “test.”  (will go there later! )  So my once a week post attempt got a tab bit side tracked…. hopefully “Saturdays” will be a good day to do this… or whenever? eheeheeee only time will tell 

Since the last post, weather wise, Oklahoma has had NO shortage of interesting atmospheric wonders happening.    From aggressive snowballs falling from the sky, to really “windy” days, to the suffocating humidity, OK’s weather constantly changes and always fascinates me!  lol!    An update on Kat’s friend, who lost her childhood friend in the May tornado, her three children survived, thank goodness and last I hear one of the boys was still in intensive care.  The two boys were tossed up into trees, and their grandfather and a passerby got them out.  Their little sister was near them, at the base of the tree where they were found.  Their mother, unfortunately did not survive the toss… they lived in a mobile home.  (A dangerous combo in “windy” conditions)  The community where they lived surrounded them with love, generosity and TLC!  They put on an event to help raise money for the lil ones care, as initially all three were in I.C.U. for a few days, it is a miracle they survived… period!  Blessings go out to them and theirs. 

Not long after that, not quite two weeks and well… my heart got to race a bit.  Mom had gone off to Idaho to visit my brother and his wife for a lil “vacation.”  Was so glad she finally made plans to “get out of Dodge” for a bit.  Sunday, May 16th, Kathryne was already at work and as I started to putter around, got that “feeling” climbing over me… the “OK weather is gonna get dicey feeling.    So I flipped on the T.V. and it was on a weather alert, so I knew it was going to be an interesting afternoon.  End result, Kat’s car looked like it was driven through a golf driving range, her front windshield looked like it had a base ball bat taken to it, her back windshield was shattered (the only thing keeping it in tack was the tinting) both side mirrors obliterated, standing water and hail balls were in the back floor board and seat, head lights and tail lights were broken, and the frame was grossly pitted.  When I saw her drive up… my jaw dropped to the pavement, almost literally!  I hugged her really tight whispering “Thank You Dear Beloved Creator for keeping my kidd safe during this storm!” over and over!  Thankfully her schedule was different and she was indoors at the time, helplessly watching as her car got pummeled!  The rain and hail came down so fast, it was just below need deep water for a bit, the new got a shot of her wading in it as she looked at her car after the onslaught!  Talk about feeling helpless!  All I could do was send out there… “Please take care of the kidd and protect her and those around her.”  Wish I had pictures to post, it was incredible.  So… with the evening forecast pending with more sever weather, we took card board, plastic trash bags and duck tape to minimize more water… which, come to find out, we did not need to do, as the insurance company sent out a tow truck the next day to gather her car.  Kat was a bit beside herself… I cannot imagine why… for the life of me :?  Seriously?!?  Lol, because she was heading out of town Wednesday for her vacation!  We found out just before she came home that her car would be totaled… so she is carless at the moment.  Would rather have that than the alternative!
  When I drove her to work one day, the devastation in that area was astounding!  So the hidden blessings surrounding that day are so welcomed and we are extremely grateful for!

Now after the kidd’s ordeal… Mom’s visit was going well in Idaho, but during her time there my sister-in-law fell ill and had to be taken to the emergency room.  Her health has been declining rapidly over the last 3-5 months, which mom was aware of before she went, and knew it might be an “interesting” visit.  Mom came home… but made the decision to return to Idaho to help with my sister-in-law, upon my brother’s request.  As we discussed these events that were unfolding, she decided to go and stay for six weeks.  She really felt the “call” to go help and try to do her best, and help my sister-in-law.  Fully understanding this, as I experienced the same thing when Dad got sick, I supported her decision, but had concerns.  Mom has “care-giving” in her blood, and she is an excellent caregiver… BUT… she has a tendency to throw herself into that position so much she forgets to take care of her and will get run down to the point she cannot function.  (my concern… via firsthand experience!)  So she was here long enough to get laundry done, take care of some things and then she headed back.  Fortunately, with me being here, her dogs would not have to be boarded and thus… my “official” but “unofficial” job of the dog sitter continued or, started or….. well go ahead, pick one!  :)   She had been there… if I remember a lil over a week and they had started talking about trying to find her additional help… possibly here in Oklahoma, in Tulsa.  On the 19th of May, my email produced a new flight itinerary and an email with “I’m coming home” in it, with an “I’ll explain later.” note.  Mom got home on Saturday, May 29th, with my brother and his wife leaving via car on May 31st to arrive in Oklahoma on June 1st.  They would pile back into a car on June 2nd, with my Mom included and head to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she would stay for at least three weeks, if not more. 

During all of this, I finished school… (previous post) which included finals, etc… completed FAFSA for the fall, watered dogs, took a lil brain break and played games on sites avoided while in school, tried to reconstruct a web page, fed dogs,  cracked open a book or two on CSS, started a tournament, broke up the occasional “dog fights,” fed kid here and there,  got the web page somewhat reconstructed, fed dogs again, found a nifty CSS generator, watered the dogs, started the tutorial for the CSS generator, read more in the CSS books, played Yooyu Ball (tournament am in… YES! am a “closet” Neopian! -.- and proud of it!  Haha!) fed the dogs again… funny they need that daily!  0.0  Considered rearranging my site… imploding it completely and “reconstructing it” (changing content… etc.,)  watered dogs sum more, played with them too! Kept thinking need to update this blog… fed dogs AGAIN! -.-  Took on another project, that hopefully might pan into a “job” that I can work on while in school and would greatly help me with “hands on experience”…  fed dogs again, resupplied the tea, wondering if the weather is going to get “dicey” later today? Trying to pick out a yarn color to knit my sis-in-law a pair of socks (sent her a pair and she requested another pair *smiley hugs*) am enjoying my summer “break” and thankful that did not consider taking summer classes, as there would be noooooooooo way I could have crammed in a semesters worth of studies into one summer with all that is “not” going on?  *phew*  gut instincts do serve me well!!!  ahaahaaaa!  Greatful dogs are taking a nap right now! (we have added an additional one… to my “dog sitting” my brother and sis-in-law brought there lil poochie)  so, are my days full?  hmmmm I was thinking a couple of weeks ago I might run out of things to do… :?  Yeah right!  Not!  lol or lmao better yet… ROFLroflROFL, probably not a good idea, too much dog hair on carpet!  *grimace!*  

Nutshell links:  hahaha  here are some of the things mentioned in above links that am doing or working on…

Web page working on for the guild I am in on Neopets:  P.A.L. Page
This page has undergone a few transitions, this being the most recent. The coding is CSS, which I am in the process of learning and the gal that made this... well... am studying her coding.  I did "tweek" the page a bit, added a 4th collum and am working on rebuilding the smilies.  Got this far before the tournament started and will get it finished before school starts in the fall.  My "ultimate goal is to work up original CSS coding... well it is a goal.
If you would like to join go here:  [dolphin_dreamzsz ] and look me up!  Most likely I will be playing YYB (Yooyu Ball) and will see your message (Neomail)

Project working on:  [ link to follow ]  it is in the “developing” stages right now.  (working up coding)  Will put up a before and after link eventually.

New site found that am having fun on, come join me and Darnel:

!o.o!  OH!  Did manage to get some lil biddy smilies made up!!!  Intergrating them in the post... well not working out  :?  hmmmmmmmm... going to have to "play" with them.  Here are a couple...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

*Does A Happy Dance*

School is "Officially" over for the summer... and my grades became available today!  *grins*  Yeah!  I am pleased with them and am glad they are all passing grades.  *phew*  So the summer has starting for me and there are many things on my *Ta-do list.  It is going to be a very busy time so my list may need some adjusting here and there. 

Some of my projects will involve computers and learning some basic programming, which will be beneficial.  As the semester started to draw to a close, I added "additional" studying to my list in order to hone those skills and keep a couple of subjects fresh in my mind.  There will be "Arts and Crafts"... *grins* during my "summer camp."  :P  For this week, though, I am "chillin"... well mostly, trying to wrap my head around CSS coding.  What I know has been learned through trial and error, mini tutorials, tearing the coding apart, and trying to make sense of it!?  There has been no "formal" education with this type of Web development so far.  However, I decided it would be a good subject to "learn" and understand because one of my favorite past times involves CSS.  So far, from what I can see, it is like html, but it is "smarter" coding.  I am looking forward to learning and experimenting with this form of programming.

Funny, during the spring semester, I all but cut myself off from the "world" so that any distractions would be kept to a minimum in order to focus on my studies.  I knew this first semester would be challenging, mainly because it had been so long since my brain muscles had been used in learning.  About half way through the semester, I realized that it was coming back to me, and that I could “breath” a little.  Even though it was becoming easier for me to accomplish my academic tasks, I still did not want to risk adding some past activities into my schedule.  I felt bad because the communication with my friends was next to nil, but at the time it was the only way to accomplish my goal to finish my first semester back in the academia land of my knowledge quest.  Now, I feel like a kid in a candy store, running around trying to find my favorites, but cannot  decide where to start!

The weather here is incredible.  We are in the “fun” part of the year, and even though it started a bit late due to a colder winter, tornado season has “officially” started!  Monday left this area hit hard, talking about Oklahoma City and the surrounding towns and counties.  We were lucky here and only got the golf ball sized hail, very gusty winds, and of course rain.  Others were less fortunate and our hearts and thoughts go out to them.  My daughter’s friend lost someone close to her, and she leaves behind three children.  Bless her heart, she wants to console her friend but is at a loss.  We can imagine to a point, as Dad’s passing is still “new.”  Today it is…. Brrrrr COLD!  Earlier this morning for a little over an hour it got a bit dicey and had to drag out the “keep ‘em calm” meds for two of the poochies.  Flipped on the T.V. to see if the weather was going to go from “breezy” to circular whirly jigs!  Lol  ;)  Fortunately and thankfully no, it was just loud, illuminating and wet.  :?  It is supposed to be like this, weather wise into next week.  Fun!  :P

For now I will close, need to tackle some more CSS as there is a web page that is in dire need of recoding.  I got it “revamped” to a certain point, but am stuck at trying to get “tables” and the contents of the tables to show up.  I am really looking forward to learning how to do it right…. Or mostly right?  lol


p.s.  one project is to make "smilies" or lil emotion icons to insert where there is *grins* or my lil :? or :P...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Time Flies

     My intention to write before now, it seems, has alluded me.  Posting once a week was a goal, but my studies have been more demanding than initially perceived.  All of the information that I am being subject to has been a neat experience.  Even my "dreaded" Basic Writing class is not so ominous any more.  Understanding the English grammar and being able to make sense of it will always be beyond my grasp.  What I have come to terms with is that I will have to do a lot of memorizing to get through it and leave the understanding of its concepts to the English deities that be.  My other subjects are much less frustrating and afford more reassurances.  History is fun and am learning much about the early stages and development of our country.  Not the elementary or secondary education versions.  The computer and algebra class experiences are fun and challenging, and I look forward to the lessons.  Weird?  Maybe to some, but not to me.  Admittedly, I am a geek and am proud of it.  I am not a "brainiac" one, but still one just the same.  All in all though, the summer break will be here soon enough.

     The time has flown by but not without its advantages.  Knitting has been my main study break activity and has produced wonderful results.  During the "Ravelimpics" I started my first pair of socks and have been knitting pairs of them ever since.  Knitting has become a source for inspiration as well.  When I get a writer's block or stuck on an assignment knitting a few rows usually helps remove the block.  During the summer hopefully I will be able to work with "color working" to add dimension to my projects.  So far I have completed 'Simplicity', a pattern from Janel Laidman's 'The Eclectic Sole' book, making two pairs of socks.  Currently working on the 'Niagara' pattern.  I tried to do a sock pattern a little deeper into the book, but "frogged" it till my chart reading and alt stitch skills improve.  The way her book is set up is good for learning different knit stitching techniques gradually.

     Well, back to the books for now.  :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dandelions, Homework, Knitting, a TV Show and time for.....??? BaZinga!

0_oh My Heavenly Daze! as I sip through yet another cup of coffee…

I am not quite sure how it happens, but it seems like by the time Sunday rolls around, a “Homework Crunch” or “Sunday Slam” is going on! In planning the week out, tackling assignments, tests, essays and projects, all seems and appears to be going well, then “WHAM!” the Sunday Slam starts to happen. How?!? *scratches head here a bit… let’s take in to account 10-12 hours spent daily on homework one would think I would have all work completed by Friday! If you figure 2-3 hours study time needed for each credit hour plus a given “+” 2 more for homework “x” four classes, that equates to… *whips out sci-tech calculator… ahaahaaaa just kidding…. 20 or so hours should about do it, right? So in two days all homework should be done?!? Let us examine my Algebra…

Last week my “logged in” hours of study were well over 10 hours, but that did not include the book study, nor the online work. (includes homework, quizzes and tests) Let’s add 5 hours to that, worked with fractions (how fun!) for a total of 15 hours… Right there are my two days of “All homework should be done!” Guess what it is not! Do I waste time? Dawdle a bit here and there? Take a “breather” and knit a lil? Why of course, here and there, but not to the point of being ridiculous! So where does the time go? Well there is reading time, research time, writing time, compiling time, posting on discussion threads time, working on paper time, homework, tests, labs, and stare at computer hoping the answers will just pop out at me time. (yeah the brain fizzles at times. Now how could THAT happen?!!!?) Working on assignments that don’t exist too, I forgot that part, eats up time too… for instance: [see below]

DANDELIONS! Yep it’s about friggin DANDELIONS! Part one of five of the assignments in my Basic Writing/English class, is to write a story about being a part of a Dandelion. It is a “free writing” exercise where we can “have fun” and get the creative juices flowing. Woot! :D It is also to include a thesis sentence, What happens to you, to your family, where do we end up, what is the flight like, what are your emotions? In reading the assignment, was either reading too fast through it, or was really tired, or….. well there are many “or’s” one can factor in, but I flat out did not see that this was supposed to be just a sentence submission, I focused on and did an entire short story/essay. My approach was to be fantasy and be a fluffy plume pod from the Dandelion that would eventually leave her “Great Mother”. As I worked on this story, it was fun as my little Dandelion world and universe unfolded. I tried to capture the wonder of being whisked up in a warm spring breeze off to start a new life away from my Momma Dandelion. So being proud that I had accomplished this feat and didn’t kick or scream too much on this assignment I was beaming with eagerness to submit it. To complete the assignment we had to post on our discussion board our work……….. ( pausing here for effect……………………more pause……………. still more……………. okay enough all ready!) Yep I posted the entire story! Others had posted a paragraph or two of their stories, after my post someone else posted their story. Underneath that submission was the comment/question… “…but I believe all we were suppose to post were our thesis.” To me a thesis is more than just a sentence, it’s the entire enchilada, burrito grande… the whole dang doughnut… etc., AND when you read the instructions, it could be taken a couple of different ways. Lol Well I sure did, right or wrong, I was wondering if I did “over kill”, but ya know… I spent “TIME” on it! So lesson learned, as if I don’t already, I reread, and reread, and reread over the assignments, and will add a couple of more rereads in there now. Funny, I guess, not quite sure what the intention was behind the post, it doesn’t matter… the assignment was completed… with a tad bit more! :D What is even more funny, I had the feeling, she may have “tattled” and sent an email off to the instructor, with her “discovery” of the infraction of some of her classmates. Was I surprised in a follow up post to someone commenting on her comment that the instructor emailed her that it was acceptable is people submitted a paragraph or two! Wow! Cracks me up! So our class has an assignment police! ROFL for sure!

In between the course work for each class, I do take mini study breaks mostly so can transition between subjects. I am finding if I knit five rows here and there my productivity is much better, and my focus is sharpened. Finding out where the time goes though is puzzling me. This week I have been working on 2-3 classes a day, instead of focusing on just one class per day. The progression through the assignments has been better. Anywoooosen… Earlier I was contemplating the irony of all of this… time, time to gain an education certificate that says “I am a graduate of… and am well versed in knowledge in… and am able to…” that will enable me to squeeze out a meager living, hopefully more than meager, as a glorified code monkey or engineer of the idea that will facilitate code monkeys so that I might be the top totem code monkey, well more like 3rd down from the top of the totem? Oh yeah! Almost forgot, I do squeeze in a “Bazinga!” here and there!!! :D See Sheldon’s ball pit scene from The Big Bang Theory! Enjoy! This show is a whooot!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Nalbinding, and School, and Knitting 0_oh! MY!

Nalbinding, and School, and Knitting, 0_oh! MY!!! :D

A very buzzzy week indeed it has been. In between studying my breaks consist of doing something with fiber of some sort. In all this, decided to try to knit again and am pleasantly surprised I can!!! When I tried to knit years ago, was sooo hyper tense that the stitches would not come off of the knitting needles! :( So I concentrated on crochetting. There are so many nice knitting patterns that was really wanting to try it again. I learned Nalbinding to try to "go around" knitting, making items this way and alter the patterns a bit to use Nalbinding. Working the stitches are a joy and have picked up four different types of Nalbinding stitches and am looking forward to learn more.

While learning the ancient art of Nalbinding we have had some rather extreme weather here which put a real chill in the air. My Mom's hands really take a beating as far as getting very cold so I thought i would try to make a pair of fingerless gloves for her. Have always like them... Chitty Chitty Bang, Bang! the movie is were developed my interest & lotta like for them... "Granda" singin his "P.O.S.H." song! **grins** :D So whipped out a pair for her, no pattern, but just experimented. Got the idea after doing up my sons gloves. Well while working on hers and investigating Ravelry's patterns for fingerless gloves, saw many nice knitted ones and decided to give it a try.

In the mean time had sent away for some knitting needles as "EVENTUALLY" will make a Gnome... so like Gnomes! :P figured i would "practice" on the fingerless gloves! Because it had been so long since the initial learning to knit, started to look at basic knitting instructions and for a simple pattern that would get me reacquainted with casting on, the basic stitches, cables, binding off... etc. Found this site Knitting Help that has been a really good source. Holding the yarn was proving to be a real challenge for me. I had seen a remarkable video with a lady knitting really fast, which amazed me. Noticed that her technique was "different" from what could remember, holding the thread with my right hand. I just could not get a good rhythm going. In watching the tutorial videos, noticed that there was "Continental" or "German" style of knitting. Took to it like a duck to water, it felt more comfortable.

Soooo yada, yada, blah, blah, blah, later... got the fingerless gloves done and am "hooked" ;) eheeheeee on knitting! already have projects in line AND if don't have enough to do, joined the
Ravelympics! Am a proud member of Team uKNIT and will be participating in the Bobsled, Mitten Moguls and Sock Hockey events! lol! figured while taking a much needed break from my Basic Writing tourture, need to make it count! ahaahaaaa! [so not doing well in that class! :( ugggh!] English, especially grammar is NOT my forte. IT does not make sense to me, at all!!! well we will leave this subject and back to fiber!!! :D well almost, need to get back to homework for now!

soooooo_0 be back later to complete! :D

Friday, January 29, 2010

Let it Snow & Let there be Angels round...

*-*-*-*-* Wowsers!!! *-*-*-*-*

x * . * . * . * . * . * . * x

Well we are getting lots of snow! Yesterday we had sleet and ice and sleet with a little bit of snow. Today, big white fluffy flakes!!! :D Course underneath is a one inch layer of ice, it is precarious at best getting around.

x * . * . * . * . * . * . * x

Here are some chill'in pictures... the one on the left has a couple of extra things besides flakes!!! Click on the picture to see the angel orbs.

The picture below has some angel orbs as well vjv
wow! One is on the move! (there are two more, pointed out the one)

x * . * . * . * . * . * . * x

x * . * . * . * . * . * . * x


The picture at the left and right are from a visit while in Eureka Springs. A really neat place to go. These particular shots were taken from down inside the Onyx cave. What an experience. Like caves anyways, this was just an added "score!" or "Yeah!". In the one on the left here are three distinct Angel or Fairy Orbs visible, but there are plenty more when you look over the picture. Then take a look at the one on the right. :D vjv

Monday, January 25, 2010

What a weekend...

Finally got all of my homework done... feels funny saying that again, but i liiiiiike it! :D The History essay was a bugger to be certain... am not the best writer, stink at it. Am fully aware of this, have accepted it, but want to change this. So my English/Writing class will help, in the mean time my History class is essay intense. ack! :( No worries, will get through it with lots of help! :D So got it tiddy'd up with the help of the kiddo & mom, sent it on its merry way... then turned my attention to FIBER!!! well after a bit.

Am helping a new friend with something... :D *waves... :D did an vjv Angel reading for her vjv it was really neat, anywhoot, during that, was holding a crystal under my chin & it got really hot... wowswers hot! neat, really like it when the energy flows like that. Have been working with Reiki too. neat stuff, neat energy, neat juju :D after this... THEN worked with fiber. well almost... found an awesome site about fairy doors! yes will share vjv

Got Ceecil's beard done... yes Ceecil is still a work in progress... decided since giving him a gnome hat, he needed a beard... [piccy to follow] so got that done up, then started to work on my son's gloves... BUT really have been wanting to learn the Coptic/Turim stich from Nalbinding & set out to find the info on it. FOUND IT! whoot! and worked up a lil sample [piccy to follow] so am a contented camper... who is ready for bed. will put up links to info about Reiki, the Coptic stitch info as well as piccys.

So all in all it was a very productive week, homework wise... don't feel so intimidated by school and have remembered that i really like it, miss it even. so back to the books tomorrow...

take care & its hoped you have a most blessed week vjv :D

p.s. *sssshhhhhhhh... ;P got the links for the fairy doors up & a link to Reiki :D no piccys yet... time ran out today hmmmmm wonder why?!?!? :?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 followed her to school one day.... :P the Lamb!

Dont ask me WHAT got me thinkin about that nursery song!!! -.-
takes a center stage right now. During study breaks, for now, grabbin sumthin to eat or bathroom breaks bout cover it. Do push some crafting in, as working with fiber is sooooooooo relaxing & just refocuses me!!! ya know?!? :D
Did get the one glove done to the set & the next one started - yeah! Am feeling very comfortable with the stitches & they are looking better. Trying to find the stitch guide for the one that looks like a knit stich... whips out web search... well will go on the prowl when time permits :D

Now for some 0_oh's on some fiber stash got to spin with... ONCE i get it down. Getting the hang of it more. My second attempt was not so "wacky" -.- TRY being the key work here! the yarn on the top is the most recent "try", has not been soaked or set yet, the bottom was my very first, first, first go at it... :(

Enjoy a couple of the fiber stash photos... its so nice & soft & fluffy & 0_o am looking forward to working with it... am ready for the light bulb to flicker, go on, when the spinning fairy hits me with her dust & it goes... "SNAP!!!" yep ya got it & start to spin like a fiend... well a gnome fiend! ahaahaaaaaa!!!!! watch you
r socks! <|:o)
hope this posts up nice... ;) LQQks like it did - niiiiiiiiice. so am saving this stash until get proficient at the spinning... at some point it will click in. Until then, will work with what i have & do more shopping of the done up stuff! :D

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sufferin Sucatash Saturday & Enter to Win :D

Well this week is almost over & what a week it has been. Didnt get much time to to crafting as school took presidence, BUT everything is "mostly" in place, books & such, thank goodness!

Before i go further, do need to point something out! Fave Crafts has a great giveaway right now, check it out here: Spotty Cat Wall Quilt Kit Giveaway and enter for a chance to win this cute kit. :D
[picture is on the right]

will post more later...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

tweet ~ tweedle * tweet *.*

sooo+0 found twitter & twibbon!!! ahaahaaaa & 0_0h! nooooooo see the info to the right! whoot!

really... signing off now! ahaaahaaaaaa :P o.o

o<|:) [its those cheeky gnomes fault!]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesdays... the middle of the week

... the middle of the week - so its down hill from here..... well its supposed to be & it is :D

So the "online school" stuff is just about settled... not so out of control to speak, with the exception of a couple of missing books & a missing code, have just about completed most of what needed to. Have checked out my math/algebra class & its going to be different... assignments & tests are done online, so will save some paper & pencil. :P remember the days it might take up to 7 pages to solve an algebra problem, really like working up algebra problems. Unfortunately, i cannot remember too much right now, its been soooooooo_0 long since have gone down that road, but am so looking forward to it. :D Really like algebra whoot :D

Did get the pictures uploaded of recent work so here are a couple & the links to more on Ravelry

Nalbinding Gloves: @Ravelry - varigated blue | brown
[ Asle & Mammen stitches ]

Nalbinding Hat: @Ravelry - Varigated "Fiesta"
[ made with Asle & Oslo stitches - Pom-pom made with a Lucet ]

Did get one glove done & will get a picture or two of it up soon. Have started the 2nd glove & feel good, especially since not using a pattern, just "winging" it.

On a "heavier note"... :( my thoughts & good juju to all the Haitians that are going through this intense time. May the Angels grace you with peace & comfort during this time. May your loved ones be found & given tender loving care. My Heart, Thoughts & Prayers go out to your country, its people & the responders that are there, as well as the ones on their way. Peace be to you all. vjv

Ceecil is not ready yet to make an appearance, he's a tad bit shy, :P Hopefully will get him finished by the weekend, that's my goal anyways :D

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year & A New Start?!?

so i think i've bitten off a tad bit more than i can chew right now... or at least it feels that way! grrrrrrufff! Ms. Brainiac here decided to go back to school after being out for close to 30 years & 0_oh man... lots of cob webs & right now facing some major road blocks!!! ***runs screeeeeeeeeammming!!! so nope dont have the pictures uploaded yet from the new projects that am "working" on... retrieved them off of the camera, but just dont have them uploaded yet. wanted to get that done a couple of days ago, but have been trying to finish my sons gloves, then for two days worked on "finalizing" school stuff. well tried to. then when the books came today, one was missing & a code i need to get online for another course is MIA! the box was terribly ripped & well... after trying for over an hour to get online in this one particular area, just decided it was time to call it a day & head to bed.... well, start to.

Decided needed to at least say, did get the pictures taken of the pom-poms & did try to work with florist wire while using the Lucet. not very productive, but did manage to get it "going". didnt get pictures yet, that's next in line, with the other stuff! ahaahaaaaa! did manage to snap a pic of my first batch of "yarn" made with my make shift drop spindle... and well... need MORE practice. so when i get ready to wanna go bonkers with school..... i have outlets! HA!ha!HA! AND have Ceecil to help me! more on that later... Ceecil has come into existance soley by design of happen chance! :D He's a jolly fella & likes to have fun..... he needs a gnome hat! :o)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow! 2010! and it starts ALL over again! :P So a quick note, will update more later... include photos as well with projects have been working on. Got another Nalbinding Hat done, started some mittens.... ;) course my first one of the pair is funny, well the thumb is funny but none the less it got made & picked up a new Nalbinding stitch - Mammen. Also made a spinner to learn drop spinning from, tried my first batch & well... need practice.... LOTS of it! ahaahaaaa! [i'm not so hot on drafting as it spins... :( ] BUT for now can get the do a lil bit by hand... stop, draft, spin, stop, draft.... will be watching more on line tutorials & such to "get it". do see that its fun, relaxing & see why others like doing it. so ordered some roving to play with... in the mean time using some felting roving to practice with.

anywhoo_0oosen will add more later, just wanted to pop in & at least throw a comment out

0_oh!!!!! did find another use for the Lucets! :D making pom-poms! yeppers, turn out rather nice.... will post pics as added a lil one to my first Nalbinding hat & made up one for my 2nd hat. did get more ideas for using lucets & cording, but one thing at a time... or at least 3, no more than 3 at a time... ahaaahaaaaaa! :oP

laters & have fun crafting, fibering & exploring :O)