Sunday, August 15, 2010

Waaay Overdue Update... :?

So as I look down and see my last blog “update” or last date wanted to update… it has sunk in… ONCE again that my goal of a weekly post/update has yet again flown right past me… buzzin my “tower” even! 0_0 !  (tower = brain  eheeheee ;))  *J-Bird hangs head in same as a tisk*tisk escapes from an utterance.  I really do try, but time gets away from me literally as I get caught up in life or my “E. S. C. A. Paaaee’s!”  “Dori’s version of escape!” *grin   which brings me to this date and time and…

This morning as I woke up slowly… my son was on my mind so sent him “Luv” and wrote a note on his wall in facebook.  Yes have facebook now and really am enjoying it because of the contacts and being able to be in more contact.  lol am still learning it’s in’s and out’s, but really like it.  So look me up under J-Bird Barkley [insert FB link here] and send a friend request… if you have not already.  Some of you have already, Thank You! and ((hugs))  I appreciate all of you so much, just  wish I was better at communication on a steady basis, that is.  [smile]  so… onto an “update”

My sister-in-law, Rose, is doing much better now, thank goodness! Thank you everyone for your prayers and Reiki! TYTYTYTYTY! It is greatly appreciated! Mom is still helping her out with meals/planning/nutrition. Rose is doing more of it herself now, which is a goal of her’s and her Doctor’s. I am still helping out with her med’s so am her “pill pharmacy/pusher/police” lol… and still am doing a “semi” vampie shift. After her 2:00 a.m. meds I try to head to bed in between 3-4:00 a.m.. Key word here is “try” that does not always happen. ahaahaaaa! We have had some “adjustments” and mini melt downs, but now that she has found a local Doctor and is on a program that has helped tremendously with meds and such. Every two weeks she goes to Tulsa to do her outpatient care, which gives her and my brother an outing and a “little” drive. (Tulsa is about 2-2.5 hours away… depending on how fast one drives 0_o)

Trying to make this “short” as have homework/forms/school stuff to get to, which brings me to my next update. My classes have started up for the Fall 2010 session and am excited to be back in school again. It “finally” hit me… lol I am a certified “geek,” bookworm, nerd,… or whatever g33ky name ya wanna call me. ;) lol  It also hit me that am a comp geek too!  lol  and what is crackin me up is T.V. show wise my 3 most favorite “sit-coms” involve geeks, and have some characters really like/identify with. NCIS – Abby, Criminal Minds – Garcia and Big Bang Theory – Sheldon and Leonard.  Go figure… right?!? rofl!  Not saying that I am “that” brainy, I have miles to go… to even get 1/3 to their levels… lol but am on my journey, none the less.  [smile]  My course schedule has 5 classes this term: Comp I, Intermediate Algebra, Science Proficiency, IT/Intro to Computing and CS/Orientation to Computer Technology. So am a happy camper!  And in one of my computer classes will be doing a bit of programing! Whoot! Looks like will be doing either programing a virtual world and/or a game.  [big smile/grin] I still pinch myself that am back in school and working on finishing my education… was not sure it would ever happen. but it is!

The next/last update… it has been a year since Dad’s passing… 8.13.09 at 9:40’ish p.m. when he left this reality and went to heaven/the otherside/… whatever choice one wants to call death and a life form passing from this life onto the next…? (does not really matter, does it?) and it seems surreal that it has been a year already. I did not ever “grieve” last year, there was too much going on… well not “much,” lol… lots of family invaded this lil home; Mom got super sick and ended up in the hospital; we took daily trips after she got out, for antibiotic infusions for six weeks after that… I tried to get some “heavy” burdens satisfied or suspended indefinitely (got them suspended… phew!) winter came in mildly then hit us with two blizzards late in the winter; Kat, my daughter, got stuck trying to get home in the first one and Mom and I were on pins and needles until she got safely home (Christmas Eve!); started my first semester back to school; tornado season came in early for us this year! 0_0 ! Mom went to Idaho to visit my Bro and his wife (Rose); in one of the tornadoes/thunder/hail storms, Kat lost her car, as there was so much damage from the hail storm her car was totaled; my spring 2010 school session ended successfully (Thank Goodness!); Mom went back to Idaho to help out Bro and Rose… then they ended up coming here to get her help and ended up moving here! Summer came in Roaring with Heat this year! ack! Double glad listened to my “gutt” and did not take summer classes as in between taking care of dogs, shuffling house around, helping sis-in-law… keeping tea supplied (lol) etc., blah blah blah… its been a rather “uneventful” year! 0_0 ! ya believe that?!? Not! Well I never grieved… or mourned Dad’s passing… it kind of bothered me as felt maybe I was getting a hard heart, but figured I maybe there was a delayed reaction? Who knows, but 8.13.10 it hit me like a ton of bricks, I really do miss my Dad, not his suffering, but Him. I know he is around and checks in on us every now and then, I can feel him. But Friday was a rough day, burst into tears a lot and was very emotional… I do not like to be that way as I tend to be a big water work factory and need a humongous box of tissues… *honk-honk! jk… lol I don’t like blowing my nose… 0_o  okay, okay… honestly I don’t like showing my vulnerable side too often. Silly I know, but dat’s me! :P  Whatever… the reason, it hit me finally, so I guess my heart has not hardened after all… well not a lot. lol!  anywhoosen…

My! My! I have talked on waaaaay too much for this being a “short” update! LOL!!! I wanted to put something else out there, but it will have to wait, I need to get some school work done and find proctor forms. Lol ALL five of my classes this year need proctored tests and I have found threee of the five proctor forms needed! Lol my instructors are hiding them from me!  Ahaahaaa a “pre-test!” I guess! Lol

Well my friends, loved ones and even friends have not met yet, I hope that your days are blessed and that as we move out of summer into fall that you and yours are blessed with cool days and warm wonderful things! Blessings to you my dear <3 loved ones. Laters ^j^ Jeannine ^j^

Oh… J-Bird was a nick name my Dad gave to me as a lil girl and it seem fitting to make my FB page using that endearment… [smile]  just a lil f.y.i.  [grin]

p.p.s.s. lol Yes I am doing better too! lol legs healing up very nice and Doctor says I need to watch some things here and there, but will live! 0_0 ! or !0_o!  take your pick! lol... even gave me some Rx when get those visits from "Uncle Art Ritus"  rofl! ahaahaaaaa... [grin] Mom told on me in FB... is why this is here. [wink]

Check out this Flash drive I ordered for extra storage, school work, music -n- such! Its cool! lol... for the Pirate lubber, geeky Goth in a person, or "just cuz" it's cool!  ;)   Amazon is neat too, they have a student account option which gives me additional free shipping options.

Cool! My wish-list on Amazon has gotten "longer" lol! Knitting books, Computer books... etc.....  :D

My "Favorites" from Amazon have also been updated with some books that I have gotten, read, used, and highly recommend. Enjoy perusing over them.  :D   Note: the journals are absolutely beautiful, versatile, AND very affordable. The "Markings by C.R. Gibson" Journals are very beautiful and colorful. Their pictures do not do them justice. I ordered the Butterfly one for school or "hand writing" journal keeping and ended up ordering another one for a gift and just got the Daisy and Dahila ones yesterday... they are beautiful as well! Very Striking! Got them for gifts.  :D
If you use the free shipping option when ordering it helps save on shipping. I learned the "hard way" about shipping and buying with their stock, does save time, $$$, and some sanity! HA! well some of it! :P  okay, plugged amazon... off to study!
for reals this time! rofl ! 0_0 !

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